The short documentary “As leaves in the wind” at Queer Movie Night

May 14, 2024

Queer Movie Nights

“As leaves in the wind” by Sofia Luz

The short documentary "As leaves in the wind" at Queer Movie Nights.

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“As leaves in the wind” (Como hojas por el viento) by Sofia Luz is in the official selection at Queer Movie Nights, Athens, Greece.

Queer Movie Nights

Queer Movie Nights is a showcase of LGBTQI+ films which takes place in Athens, Greece. The first festival took place in May 2022 and centres around the International Day Against Homophobia. Feature films, documentaries and short films are screened at the festival. The festival is organised by Antivirus LGBTQI+ Free Press Magazine.

The short documentary

“As leaves in the wind” is a story of two transgender women who migrate from their home countries seeking asylum and opportunities in a new continent. Their lives go through structural changes when they meet and take part in a new support network. Made by them for them.

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