Eight shorts by Alpha Film at 29th Portobello Film Festival

Aug 23, 2024


“Birthmarked” by Mehrshad Golkarian

“Castling” by Federico Yang

“She was a star” by Neshat Shabani

“Sky(pe)” by Menicatti & Ugioli

“STAY” by Luca Canali

“The double life of Kore” by Maria A. Mariani

“The stolen embrace” by Simone Gazzola

“Unparallel world” by Mohamad Yaraghi

8 short films by Alpha distribution at Portobello Film Festival

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The short films “Birthmarked” by Mehrshad Golkarian, “Castling” (Arrocco) by Federico Yang, “She was a star” by Neshat Shabani, “Sky(pe)” by Riccardo Menicatti and Bruno Ugioli, “STAY” by Luca Canali, “The stolen embrace” (L’abbraccio rubato) by Simone Gazzola, “Unparallel world” by Mohamad Yaraghi and the short documentary “The double life of Kore” (La doppia vita di Kore) by Maria Antonietta Mariani are in the official selection of 29th Portobello Film Festival, London, UK.

The festival will take place from August 29th to September 15th, 2024 and the films will be screened at the Muse Gallery, Portobello Road, London.

📌  It’s UK premiere for all films except “Sky(pe)”.


The Film Festival was created in 1996 as a reaction to the moribund state of the British film industry, to provide a forum for new film-makers and give exposure to movies on different formats. Many of previously out-on-a-limb directors have since been recognised by the big fish in the industry. The festival has been dubbed ‘the wild side of Brit Film’ (Metro), ‘this pioneering film festival’ (Evening Standard), ‘the biggest celebration of independent film in Europe’ (The Independent) and ‘London’s biggest filmic free-for-all’ (Time Out). That the Portobello Film Festival shows tomorrow’s films today is evident in the number of ideas first presented here that regularly crop up in the mainstream.

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