The animated short “Musintasia” at 20th Lucca Film Festival
The animated short film “Musintasia” by Alessandro Navarino is in official selection of 20th LFF – Lucca Film Festival, Italy. The short film is included in the “Buona la Prima!” competition, organized with the support of SIAE, reserved for first works of Italian nationality.
The festival will be held from 21 to 29 September 2024.
It will be Italian Premiere for the film.
20th LFF – Lucca Film Festival
The Lucca Film Festival (abbreviation LFF), also called Lucca Film Festival and Europa Cinema in the past, is an event that takes place in Lucca, Italy, on an annual basis since 2005, to celebrate and disseminate cinematographic culture by addressing the apparent contrasts between Arthouse, experimental and mainstream cinema in the broader category of the work of art. The festival offers screenings, exhibitions, conferences and performances, ranging from mainstream cinema to auteur cinema.
The animated short film
“Musintasia” tells the story of a boy named Alex who is constantly seeking the approval and attention of his parents, who are too busy arguing with each other to take care of him. When Alex starts listening to music through headphones, his imagination ignites and he enters an imaginary, utopian world.
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